You are a researcher or an exhibition curator and you want to consult a piece of work or access an object from our collections…

The research area

The natural history museum of Lille gives particular attention to researchers and specialists: upon request, they can access the museum collections and libraries. 

The museum regularly makes loans and even deposits to exhibitions in other cultural institutions on the French territory but also abroad. Do you want to borrow an object from the natural history museum of Lille? You cannot see the entirety of our collections online, but you can address the people in charge of the collections via contact-mhnlatmairie-lille [point] fr (contact-mhnl[at]mairie-lille[dot]fr) . To allow good management, please contact us at least six months ahead of your exhibition opening. 

The museum preserves in its storerooms the documentary collection of the former industrial and commercial Museum of Lille. It can be consulted on-site, only upon request. You can address your requests at  contact-mhnlatmairie-lille [point] fr (contact-mhnl[at]mairie-lille[dot]fr). The complete list of books and reviews is searchable on the website of the Public Library of Lille (you have to specify “Musée d’histoire naturelle” as your location).