You are a teacher or a group supervisor and you want to organise a visit to the museum?

Prepare your visit ! 

You are a teacher or a group supervisor and you want to organise a visit to the museum. 

All you have to do is consult the pages Educational workshops and Guided tours and open visits to make your choice. 


The team in charge of the public 

All year long at the natural history museum of Lille, the team in charge of the public tries its best to provide to groups of all ages activities which allow the awakening of their curiosity or to get further into various subjects: discovery of zoology, geology, raising awareness to the environmental issues, to the endangered species… 

The museum collections displayed in the permanent exhibitions allow a huge variety of themed tours. 

Please feel free to contact the team in charge of the public for any more information or advice which could help you carry your project out.

Contact / Team in charge of the public and cultural mediation

Mediator: Sophie Di Nallo - tel. - sdinalloatmairie-lille [point] fr (sdinallo[at]mairie-lille[dot]fr)

Booking service: reservation-mhnlatmairie-lille [point] fr (reservation-mhnl[at]mairie-lille[dot]fr)

Educational booklets are freely available (in French), they will allow you to discover, in a playful way, the different permanent areas of the museum !

Des ressources en ligne !

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