The first phase of the renovation works has been dedicated to improving the visit comfort and has allowed creating new areas.

From November 2020 to February 2021, the museum has been closed for a first phase of renovation works

The natural history museum of Lille has been created in 1822 and installed in its current location in 1902. 

Today, about 450,000 objects are preserved in the museum, organised in four collections: geology, zoology, ethnography, and sciences and techniques. 

Due to a lack of space, the last two collections are not exhibited and only 5% of the preserved objects are presented on the permanent museum route. 

In 2019, the museum received about 122,000 visitors, that is to say the double of the figure registered five years earlier. 

In this context, the City of Lille decided to develop a new project for this building, which is dear to the inhabitants’ hearts.  

As the first phase of the renovation works will allow the Museum to have a new entrance and to offer the visitors new services, it is by 2025 that we will be discovering a huge Museum of Mankind, Nature and Civilisations. 

A two-phase renovation site :

During its city council that took place on October 4, 2019, the City of Lille voted unanimously to transform the Museum of Natural History into a huge Museum of Mankind, Nature and Civilisations. 

The City’s ambition is to help people understand the issues of our planet and the questioning concerning our societies. 

The renovation site began in June 2020 and is composed of two phases

  •  1st phase : 

New areas, dedicated to the reception of the visitors, have been set up on the ground floor of the south wing of the building : at the end of the 19th century, this part of the Sciences Faculty of the University of Lille was dedicated to Geology. 

Discover the majestic entrance, located at 23 rue Gosselet, and also :

  • The Charlotte Ruderman-Dehorne room, a former amphitheatre, within which will take place conferences and other meetings;
  • The reception area
  • A shop and café located in the former library of Geology.
  • An outdoor area, to enjoy your lunch during sunny days !
  • New bathrooms

Take also a look at the remarkable and impressive wall paintings from the beginning of the 20th century, which represent the geological maps of the region. 

  • 2nd phase : to learn more about the project clic here 

Enjoy your visit !


Discover the Museum’s new areas !

  • See you now in rue Gosselet !

    A new address for the Museum

    Please note that the new entrance is now located at 23 rue Gosselet !
    No more of the discreet entrance rue de Bruxelles, now the entrance is located nearer the city’s core, with a paved square and a renovated frontage which still bears the marks of its history. This building was the former University of Lille, more exactly the Sciences Faculty!


  • The new reception area is now green

    The reception area

    Renovated with respect to the original architecture (mural lighting and Coilliot’s Art Nouveau tiles) while preserving the spirit of the museum (a tapestry which reminds the bourgeoisie of the early 20th century) and bringing a modern touch (a vegetal and pop trompe-l’oeil), this new hall offers undeniable quality and comfort of reception.

  • A multipurpose room that can receive groups in the daytime and events during the evening.

    The amphitheatre Charlotte Ruderman-Dehorne

    The former amphitheatre of the building will be a reception room for the groups and, during the evenings and the weekends, it will be a meeting point for conferences and other events. 

  • The Sweet Flamingo’s cabinet of curiosities

    A bright and pop shop and café

    The Sweet Flamingo’s cabinet of curiosities has found its place within the former documentation area of the building, a splendid wooden-floor room decorated with an original majestic chandelier. No need to buy a ticket to access it, the shop and café will offer light meals – whether savoury or sweet – and sell local creators’ products on the natural history theme during the museum’s opening hours.

  • … a new access to discover the collections

    An outdoor area

    A new entrance implies a new way to access the exhibitions! Discover this new outdoor area, still unknown to the visitors, which will be converted into a terrasse when sunny days come. 

  • Especially dedicated to toddlers !

    New bathrooms

    You just entered the museum and your toddler wants to take a bathroom break? No need to panic, right as you enter the museum and before immersing yourselves into the collections, you will be able to stop by in these new bathrooms… they are roomy and spacious! Toilets adapted to children’s height and changing tables have also been set up !

  • Collection objects from the reserves!

    The cabinet of curiosities

    A new visit experience around the 4 collections ! 

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Rénovation du musée d'histoire naturelle de Lille

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