Discover the different areas to be visited in the Museum!

The Zoology area

The zoology area within the permanent exhibition gives access to essential information for the understanding of the animal kingdom. 

The Geology area

The geology area presents the geological history of the north of France. Through remarkable pieces and explanations, discover landscapes of the region throughout time. 

The insectarium

Within the area dedicated to zoology, the Museum of natural history possesses an insectarium, where spiders, ants, and other species are visible during your visit. 

2015 : the renovation of the large glass wall

Discover the history of the large glass wall and its revival

New : The cabinet of curiosities

New treasures unveiled

La vitrine de Tératologie

Elle fait son grand retour pour votre plus grand plaisir, découvrez la nouvelle vitrine sur la tératologie !

Nouveau : Les Peintures murales de l'ancienne Faculté des Sciences

L'escalier de l'aile de la nouvelle entrée du musée est orné de cinq cartes géologiques monumentales, peintes entre 1895 (date de la livraison du bâtiment) et la seconde Guerre Mondiale... A...

You are a family

Do you want to organise a family outing to the museum?